December makes its grand entrance once more and it is unmistakable that the favourite time of the year for many is here. I love this season and this year I have decided to do something unprecedented and special for you, my dear readers.
Sending and receiving cards at special occasions have been a love of mine. Scratch that. I love sending and receiving cards at any time of the year!
It's kinda amazing that a little card can bring much joy and love especially when I remember the thought and effort that goes into it. What a wonderful feeling it is when you realise someone thinks of you and wants you to know it concretely via a card.
In the spirit of giving and sharing, I like to send my Christmas wishes and love to the first 25 readers who responded. All you have to do is to email me your name and mailing address by December 10, 2011. I will mail to all parts of the world as long as you have a valid mailing address.
The Christmas card can be for yourself or for someone whom you know will appreciate a little surprise. Just indicate in your email who the recipient is.
Don't wait, send in your email today! Spread the love.
Come, let's flourish together!