Guajira Guantanamera
Guajira Guantanamera
This catchy and happy song was playing the other day and it transported me back to Chivay, Peru where we had the wonderful opportunity of experiencing a traditional show with Peruvian live band.
There was a group of young travelers who went wild and starting singing at the top of their voices when the band played this song. Man, their energy was infectious and soon almost everyone at the restaurant was singing along to this tune. It was a lot of fun!
My affinity for Peru began when I chanced upon a Peruvian band busking in my neighborhood in Singapore years ago. I love the music and rhythm and I wondered how wonderful it would be to visit Peru some day.
That evening in Chivay, my wish came true and it felt surreal. Today I feel equally blessed whenever I think of all the wonderful memories and experiences from our travel.
If you have not heard this song (which I seriously doubt), here it is. Feel free to sing and dance along! Guantamera!
What's your favorite memory from your travel? Relive that memory with someone today. This is a great way to increase positivity.