Before 2013 ended, quite by chance we ended up doing a last minute family photo shoot with Kevin's Fotografik Experience. It was casual and fun.
I decided to use this particular shot to wish all of you a very happy and blessed New Year 2014! It captures our baby's spunky and joyful personality and just as it brings a big smile to me, I hope it does to you too.
From our little family to the bigger family of Winifred & You, may this New Year bring great promises, love and opportunities to flourish.
The past year was all about adjusting to being a mother. I didn't have much energy left to do anything else.
This year, I aim to spend a little bit more time doing things that I enjoy; in particular to share my experience, reflections and knowledge through blogging.
So, thank you so much for your ongoing support despite the lack of posts and updates. In due time, I hope to relaunch this website and furnish it with relevant, thoughtful and useful content especially in living a purposeful, positive and flourishing life. I look forward to your fervent support.
Make each day count! Have a blessed year ahead.