Gratitude on the 12th anniversary (17 September 2019)

It feels like a blink of an eye that 12 years have elapsed since my second brain surgery in 2007. As I reflect on the years that have passed, I marvel at how far I have come and the numerous opportunities and life experiences that I have had as a result of that decision. Even though I suffered a stroke that took away my peripheral vision and part of my working memory, I live a full and meaningful life. And life continues to surprise me and invites me to grow and flourish.


I made an impactful decision last September (on 17 September no less) to go back to school and did a Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology. As readers of this blog will know, I have been a fervent believer and practitioner of the field since a decade ago and I wanted to pursue deeper by enrolling in the course. I am pleased to share that I've completed the course in May.


What i didn't expect is that the course has reignited the passion and drive that has laid dormant for many years. In the company of fellow learners and seekers, my love for learning and drive for excellence was rekindled in ways that were beyond my expectation. I was truly nervous when I had to write my first academic paper last year because the previous time I did that, it was in year 2000! However, as I got into the groove on researching and writing, I felt like I was coming home. I am also grateful to my classmates and lecturers for the dynamic and fertile environment for learning.


I feel like a switch in me has been turned on and my passion in working with couples is reaffirmed. For one of my papers, I wrote about what I have observed and identified as the problems in couples therapy and the strategies that I have in mind in overcoming the problems. The process in preparing that paper gave such clarity to me that I now have a crystal-clear idea of my mission in life. If there is one thing that I hope to leave as a legacy it is this: that I have made a difference in shifting mindset of individuals with regards to early intervention in couple counselling and normalizing couple coaching as a health check. Divorce rate will hopefully go down when there are skill-based programmes that equip couples who are transitioning into parenthood with growth mindset and resilience. Ultimately, we will have a stronger society and future because children can focus fully on their natural development when their parents are thriving in the marriage. 


In September 2011, I launched this blog - Winifred & You - with the main intention of sharing my expertise and knowledge. I enjoy writing and sharing, and it is the perfect platform for me to communicate with all of you. Ever since the arrival of my daughter, the writing has taken a backseat. However, I have always known that there will be a season where I will return to it. Guess what? That time is now! I have made up my mind to invest my time in writing articles relating to relationship and marriage based on the research of scientists in the field of relationship as well as in positive psychology. Knowledge is power. With it we can make educated choices towards the goals that we have for ourselves and our families.


I want to thank you in advance for your support. Do let me know of the topics that are of interest to you and I will do my best to meet your requests. I am so grateful that September remains a truly special month after all these years.


Happy 12th anniversary to me! I have a strong feeling that a new chapter in my work and life is about to begin. I am filled with immense gratitude for all the gifts that God has bestowed on me that I can use them in the service of others. What an honour it is that I can co-create with God and in so doing, I find my meaning, flow and accomplishment.



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