Anytime Resolution - As the name suggests, it is a resolution that can be taken up anytime when you feel the need and are ready for a change. I hope to provide you with some useful suggestions that will bring you closer to living a more flourishing life in various aspects.

Today's Anytime Resolution is to try something new or novel as an effort to increase happiness.
One of my passions in life is food. I am a decent cook but a relatively new baker. Yesterday, I challenged myself to bake a carrot cake, a dessert that I enjoy. When it turned out great, it made me smile for a few hours. I felt a wonderful sense of achievement.
Trying something novel or challenging is not easy because there is always an equal chance of failing. Many fear the risk and pain of failing. I know the feeling too well because for a very long time, my fear of failing has prevented me from trying out new things.
The turning point came when I was thirty where I made the decision that I will not turn away from any new experience provided it is a calculated risk. That decision certainly enables me to lead a much richer and fuller life. Since then, I have attempted paragliding, rock climbing, snorkeling, skiing, Snuba which I hated, hiking, and whitewater rafting just to name a few. I love traveling because it is the perfect way to experience new culture and push the boundaries. I am equally open in terms of trying new food and cuisine including exotic animals like cuy, grasshopper and horse sashimi.
Increasingly, there are more studies that show mastering new skills contribute to happiness. Based on my own experience, I am definitely a proponent for the idea that novelty and challenge bring happiness. It's amazing how simple thing like succeeding in baking a cake can contribute to my joy.
Truly, we are in position and power to create intentional activities that can bring more fulfillment to our lives, bearing in mind that these activities make up 40% of our happiness. The first step is always hard as we are wired for familiarity and comfort zone.
Is there any activity or hobby that you have always wanted to try but afraid to make a fool of yourself? Challenge yourself and bear with the initial discomfort. With practice and time, you will be able to master a new skill. And when you do, the feeling is amazing and you will be so glad and proud of yourself. As an encouragement remember: nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Go and try something new today. I love to hear of your experience so please share it in the comment. Have fun!
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